Monday, September 14, 2009

The Middle of September??

So, how did it get to be the middle of September already? You have done an incredible amount of exploring in the web 2.0 world. We've looked at blogging, RSS feeds, Delicious, Portaportal, Google Docs, and VoiceThread. Now we cruise on to Google Sites, wikis, etc.

I know that most of you are still mulling over all the new learning. Can you comment on how this web 2.0 learning has impacted your teaching (and maybe your life!) during the first couple of weeks of school?

Steve and I so appreciate your hard work and commitment to integrating technology into your classrooms.


  1. For me it has expanded my thought process in terms of what I can do with my students once they get their laptops. There is still the issue "Of how to utilize class time" considering we only have 40minutes every other day and they do need the exercise.

    I have also become much more comfortable when researching something professional on the web(for my teaching and/or coaching).


  2. I'm definitely still mulling over all of the new learning as far as how I will use this in my classroom. I absolutely know that there are things that I will want to try, but I am holding out a bit more as we seem to learn a cool tool each week and there are several weeks of class yet to go! I am currently most interested in blogging and VoiceThread, but who knows? Perhaps that will change after today's class!

  3. It has definately been great to learn about all of these new facets of technology and to contemplate how to best use some of them. Like Andee, I am kind of waiting to see all of them to then pick and choose. I would rather use a few-often and well, instead of a whole bunch of things not too often and not too well....

  4. I am much more confident in using the tools we've learned so far, and sharing documents online vs. the print...navigating all the paper the first few weeks with kids is still time consuming and inaccurate, but we'll get there.

    The possibilities for sharing music, listening activities and tutorials is huge and the big challenge will be to find the TIME to implement these activities...can we have a class on that?! Time travel!

  5. I already wrote a little it about this on my blog. I am using blogging in my classroom, and spent entire classes today getting students to set up their own blogs. Once the set-up process is done, I hope it is easier for them. For my students, you mention technology, and all they think about is listening to music and downloading YouTube videos. Some have taken to it really well, others still want me to do it all for them. I know once they become more familiar with it all, it will flow better, and then I can share more, but for now . . . . PLEASE just get me through the blog set up :) Then I'll work through all the little details!

    BTW . . .it only says Mrs. Patenaude because all my blogs for my classes have this, so it's me . . . Holly :)

  6. This class has impacting my teaching life in that I am thinking about how to use the tools I have learned in my teaching with students. I will blog once I get going with my classes and I want to do something with voice thread and poetry with my 6th grade group. I think my 7th grade boys will like to blog, but now if I can get them to want to blog about books then that will be something!

    I find myself using the computer a lot more using my igoogle page, RSS, etc. I think my own children would laugh if they could see me and my husband sitting in the living room, watching TV and working on our lap tops! Wait, that sounds a little dorky!

  7. I am using the delicious site to show videos to my students of native signers and to access sites for quizzes and dictionaries. I am still trying to figure out what other tools I will use. I am looking forward to the new info in the weeks to come.

  8. I have been much more aware of what is available through the use of technolgy to help my students learn an in class example would be how to research the effect of racism has had on the individual student we are using the internet as a primary resourse to explore this area

  9. Well, the pressure has been off these first two weeks since we haven't got our laptops yet. Still pondering what my best first step should be (other than a baby one). I want to direct the student's use of technology toward a valueable goal while making it fun for them! There is just sooooo much out there...
    I'm leaning toward voice thread and practice games but I'm just not sure how to proceed.

  10. I have found our exploration of these web 2.0 tools illuminating. I have begun to use Delicious as a central, web-based container for bookmarks. I have set up a few RSS feeds for topics of interest in work and play. I think the Voicethread technology can be put to use in a math classroom and plan to experiment with it. For example, show the solution to a problem that has a flaw in the process and have students comment on where the flaw is? Google docs are promising as well. I am looking forward to the google sites topic today as I do think a web page would be a good anchor point for course and class material as well as a jumping off point for blogs, voicethreads, wikis et al.

  11. I am excited about using many of the things we have learned in this class. I am a bit overwhelmed with the beginning of school and a death in the family that was very difficult. I think I still have my enthusiasm for doing some things differently, but now I just have to find the time to plan out what I am going to do. Our students have their laptops so we are ready to go.
